August 2014 CSC Meet
Author: Richard Otwell (Otter)
Introduction of first time guests / new members
brices123 showed up with his modded 1991 FJ80.
Cruddz made it to his first meeting with his 1996 80 (white, of course).
Pete brought his FJ40, and Clark brought his FJ62.
Kdxman is leading the August ROTM.
Run of the month – Recent details and reports
There wasn't a July ROTM.
Food at future meetings
If anyone is interested, we're looking for volunteers to pick up food for future meetings. Club funds will reimburse for the food. There is even a Little Caesar's pizza near the Quiktrip. What you pick up is up to you.
NEMO camp shower
Phil gave a demonstration of the NEMO Helio pressure shower. Looks like a great product!
Off Camber 2014 Event
This event is at Mormon Lake, September 12-14. Check out the thread here.
100s - 1
80s - 8 (2 FJs / 6 FZJs)
60s - 1
62s - 1
40s - 2
FJC - 1
Thanks to Jackson for taking all the pictures.
brices123 showed up with his modded 1991 FJ80.
Cruddz made it to his first meeting with his 1996 80 (white, of course).
Pete brought his FJ40, and Clark brought his FJ62.
Kdxman is leading the August ROTM.
Run of the month – Recent details and reports
There wasn't a July ROTM.
Food at future meetings
If anyone is interested, we're looking for volunteers to pick up food for future meetings. Club funds will reimburse for the food. There is even a Little Caesar's pizza near the Quiktrip. What you pick up is up to you.
NEMO camp shower
Phil gave a demonstration of the NEMO Helio pressure shower. Looks like a great product!
Off Camber 2014 Event
This event is at Mormon Lake, September 12-14. Check out the thread here.
100s - 1
80s - 8 (2 FJs / 6 FZJs)
60s - 1
62s - 1
40s - 2
FJC - 1
Thanks to Jackson for taking all the pictures.