February 2013 CSC Meet
Author: Mark Montijo
The February meet brought out a nice variety of vehicles. Included were 16 - 80 series, 4-FJC's, 2- Hundy's,1 - 4Runner, 1 - 62 series, 2 - 40 series, all in all a real good turnout on a nice evening.
Some nice color FJC's.
The gang in conversation.
More BS ing.
Misc pics.
Pastor Brians 140 series (60 +80), plain old 40 series.
Misc pics.
More pics.
One lonely seat looking for a Landcruiser and Jamies additions to the rear of the 4Runner.
Up in Smoke...never a dull moment around Phil. Did not get a picture of the flames that actually produced the smoke.
2nd pic is Inkpot on 37's.
Hundys and Inkpots on 37's and new rims.