January 2012

This is the first meeting for 2012. A few things were discussed in the meeting:
- We would like to see more members involve with club activities, to help Kevin to grow the club.
- Phil needs help with membership registration. This new person will take over the responsibilities after trained by Phil. Please contact LandcruiserPhil if you are interested in this position.
- The group decided to keep copperstatecruisers.org, copperstatecruisers.net and copperstatecruisers.com
- We would like to see more runs. Pete proposed every 4th Sat of the month run, and he is executing it.
- Ways to organize "trip reports" were discussed. I don't remember any conclusion from the discussion. I will start with a simple page for recent runs and refine it as we go, add future runs to it, and add old runs as time permitted.
- Kevin gave an excellent talk on forest & trail management.