CSC Projects
- 2/9/2005 Cdaniel's 1977 FJ40 custom rear bumper
- 2/25/2007 MaddBaggins' 1994 FZJ80 4x4 Labs rear bumper build
- 3/9/2007 4x4labs rear bumper build instruction
- 8/28/2008 Diego's 1985 mini truck transformation
- 4/14/2009 azrider's 1997 LX450 build up
- 6/13/2009 murf's 1996 FZJ80 finished rear bumper/tire carrier
- 4/3/2010 azrider's 1997 LX450 front and rear bumpers
- 5/14/2010 mountain cruiser's 4x4 Labs rear bumper for FJ60 and 4Runner
- 5/21/2010 murf's 1996 FZJ80 custom front bumper
- 12/5/2010 LandCruiserPhil's 1996 FZJ80 front and rear bumpers build
- 3/26/2011 azTony's 1993 FZJ80 interior tire, air compressor and gas can carriers
- 6/11/2011 RockJock82's 1996 LX450 before and after
- 11/28/2011 murf's 1985 FJ60 build up and restore
- 2/5/2012 cartercd Custom Front Bumper
- 2/8/2012 ftbshop's 1978 FJ40 restore
- 2/9/2012 Rudster & AJFritz00's 80 series interior air compressor and tire carrier
- 5/2/2012 Hitit66's Toyota Land Cruiser 3B diesel engine test run
- 5/20/2012 LongDuck's 1996 FZJ80 Slee Short Bus bumper install
- 6/12/2012 LandCruiserPhil's Off Road Trailer / Base Camp - The light way
- 7/1/2012 Jim S' 1978 FJ40 Tuneup project
- 7/9/2012 ttubb's 1995 FZJ80 part time kit and Marlin’s low range gear
- 7/15/2012 Tools R Us' 80 series special wrench for changing/removing super charger belt
- 8/9/2012 1972FJ55's 1997 FZJ80 custom front and rear bumpers
- 8/28/2012 Jamie's 1976 FJ40 Project
- 9/5/2012 murf's 1996 FZJ80 rear storage
- 11/18/2012 Scoobiedubes' 1972 FJ40 Project
- 1/13/2013 Tools R Us' 80 series interior tire carrier
- 4/7/2013 packetstormin's project 80 series rebuild
- 8/18/2013 bowtiestang's 1997 LX450 project
- 8/26/2013 RockJock82's 1996 LX450 Depo clear turn signals and headlights
- 9/6/2013 RockJock82's 1996 FZJ80 LS1 swap completed
- 12/30/2013 RockJock'n my LX450
- 3/13/2016 AZ GX Build
- 9/1/2016 Found a new project truck (1976 FJ40)
- 12/21/2016 Turbo 3FE FJ80 Build