Mini Power Supply
Author: Philip In-Albon Aug 11, 2012
Found the need for some power for my new base camp trailer set up < link.
I tried a couple available power supplies with poor results. One tested unit would produce noise when using audio equipment. Another would not run my netbook. All tested unit were bulky and heavier than I wanted. I was unable to find one to meet all my needs so I designed my own power box coupled with a inverter and solar panel.
I tried a couple available power supplies with poor results. One tested unit would produce noise when using audio equipment. Another would not run my netbook. All tested unit were bulky and heavier than I wanted. I was unable to find one to meet all my needs so I designed my own power box coupled with a inverter and solar panel.
- 12 volt 18AH deep cycle battery
- Battery voltage meter
- 2 - 15 amp rated power outlets
- Outlets fused with auto reset breakers
- 25' extension cable
- Clips to charge vehicle battery via solar panel
- 12 volt outlet from solar panel
- Multiple 12 volt plugs for accessories
- Twin USB port for charging various types of electronics
- Mini USB port cable
- Charge off Land Cruiser 12 volt power outlet
- Charge with 110 volt power outlet
- Charge controller inside with auto shut off when fully charged
- Charge with solar panel - can not overcharge
- 27 watt Brunton tri-fold solar panel
- Xantrex 110 volt 400 watt inverter - works on everything so far
- Inverter displays input voltage, output voltage, watt comsumed
- Power box size 11.5" x 7" x 4.5"
- Total weight of all items 8.5 lbs