March 2012
We have a few new faces this month. Welcome Mark with the 4Runner, Mike Benedetto, Nezar Haddad (AZDozerFZJ80) and Jonathan Fulton (Seabeejon). I apologize if this is your first meeting and I missed your name. Please PM me or post here and I will update this thread.
MoGas from Flagstaff joined us at the meeting. Welcome Dave! Everybody got to introduce themselves at the meeting. We have a lot of Mike and John at the meeting. CSC non profit application is ready for submission. Kevin (President), Phil (Vice President) and Jackson (Treasurer) are the three names used in the application. We discussed the 3/18/2012 Montana Mountain run and 3/31/2012 CSC Family Dinner at Macayo. We also discussed the online CSC membership application. Excellent job Chuy! Kevin gave a summary of the Sugarloaf clean up sponsored by REI. New members got to show off the vehicles after the "official" meeting. |