ROTM - FR393/Log Corral to Bartlett Lake
November 19 - 20, 2016
Forum Thread: FR393 to Bartlett Lake/Log Corral to Bartlett Lake
Trail Rating: FR393 is stocker friendly, although there are 3-4 areas where spotting was required to get the 100s through safely; Log Corral requires lockers, 35" tires at least, sliders, and the willingness to take body damage, even with a spotter.
Attendees: We had 17 trucks on this run, with 4 of them taking the Log Corral route. 5 of the group were day-trippers only, so there were 12 trucks camping. We had 4 100 series, 1 GX, 1 FJ Cruiser, 1 newer 4Runner, and the rest of the trucks were 80s.
Log Corral: @Saddletramp, @BoxYourEars, @LongDuck, @jclarke450 + @Cruzrmama
FR393: @Cruddz, @Abigail + @Shwing, @brices123, @Dimples, @Chrismanjs, @verruckt1, @Dissent, @Mattman, @re_guderian, @rctoyota, @1Louder, @John Morgan, @Fuge
Happy campers: @Saddletramp, @LongDuck, @jclarke450 + @Cruzrmama, @Cruddz, @Abigail + @Shwing, @brices123, @Dimples, @Chrismanjs, @verruckt1, @Mattman, @rctoyota, @John Morgan
Camp dogs: Roxy, Millie and Oreo
We met at 8:00am at the Baja gas station on the Beeline Highway, and sent the day trip FR393 folks on ahead first (led by @verruckt1, with @Dimples, @re_guderian, @1Louder, @Dissent, and @Fuge) so that the rest of us could wait for someone who decided he needed some extra sleep. Finally, we had to leave without sleeping beauty, although he caught up just fine as the second group was halfway through FR393. @Saddletramp led the group on Log Corral, joined by @BoxYourEars, @LongDuck, @jclarke450 + @Cruzrmama. @Chrismanjs took the lead for the second FR393 group, kindly testing the trail out with the lowest clearance vehicle of the group Nobody suffered any major carnage in any of the groups, although @brices123 is convinced the minor scratches to his bumper are a good enough excuse reason to buy new.
The Log Corral group beat everyone else to the lake by at least an hour, although 393 group #1 did have to change a popped tire, and even stopped for lunch along the way. The day-trippers hung around on the beach until about 2 or 2:30pm, then headed back out FR393 to get home before dark. The rest of us set up camp and a few decided to try their luck at fishing. One small bass was caught, but the dogs and kids found plenty of dead fish to drag around camp. @brices123 brought out his drone and kept us all entertained with skillful piloting and photo/videographing.
This camping trip featured another successful potlock! @Dimples carried the day with his fancy sausages simmered low n slow in a glorious concoction of onions, maple syrup, and other things I don't remember; they were amazing. He followed that up with an even fancier Dutch oven mac n cheese, containing no fewer than 67 different cheeses. @verruckt1provided a delicious caesar salad, which was the perfect accompaniment to the main dishes. @Saddletramp and @Cruddzmade some authentic fried rice to go along with everything else, which was a big hit with the kids of the group (and everyone else). To tide us over while we waited on dinner, @rctoyota's wife Cleo provided us with her famous 5-layer dip and chips, and @brices123 shared summer sausage, cheese, and crackers. Dessert was another hit with a homemade pumpkin pie made by @Chrismanjs, and Dutch oven peach cobbler made by @LongDuck; @John Morgan even brought the whipped cream! @LongDuck provided the group with a thorough and educational tutorial on the proper way to make a Dutch oven peach cobbler (@Abigail took many notes). Last, but not least, @Mattman made all this gorging possible by making sure we had plenty of plates, bowls, and cutlery.
After dinner was served and we were all stuffed, @John Morgan brought out the single malt and @brices123 made available a large box of Fireball. Cleo convinced one of the campfire groups to play her favorite game called Catch Phrase, and that occupied a (loud) number of us for a long time, while the more sensible folks kept their distance around their more sensible fire.
In the morning, the potluck continued with biscuits and gravy made by @Abigail (made possible by @Dimples and the use of one of his Dutch ovens). After breakfast, we packed up and all headed out on the FR393 route under an overcast sky around 9:45am. We had another tire mishap on the way out, and unfortunately it was the same truck, so @jclarke450 & @Cruzrmama were kind enough to lend their spare. The run back out 393 was a lot faster, and we made it to pavement in just over 2 hours with no spotting needed. We got a little spit on as we were airing up, but luckily didn't catch any of the rain that was making its way through the valley that day. We also didn't get too slowed down with Ironman AZ traffic, as we had thought might happen on Sunday.
Overall, it was an excellent trip and hopefully everyone enjoyed themselves as much as I did.
Thanks to everyone who made it out for this run, even if it was just for the day. Also thanks to everyone who contributed to the potluck, making this one tasty trip!
Attendees: We had 17 trucks on this run, with 4 of them taking the Log Corral route. 5 of the group were day-trippers only, so there were 12 trucks camping. We had 4 100 series, 1 GX, 1 FJ Cruiser, 1 newer 4Runner, and the rest of the trucks were 80s.
Log Corral: @Saddletramp, @BoxYourEars, @LongDuck, @jclarke450 + @Cruzrmama
FR393: @Cruddz, @Abigail + @Shwing, @brices123, @Dimples, @Chrismanjs, @verruckt1, @Dissent, @Mattman, @re_guderian, @rctoyota, @1Louder, @John Morgan, @Fuge
Happy campers: @Saddletramp, @LongDuck, @jclarke450 + @Cruzrmama, @Cruddz, @Abigail + @Shwing, @brices123, @Dimples, @Chrismanjs, @verruckt1, @Mattman, @rctoyota, @John Morgan
Camp dogs: Roxy, Millie and Oreo
We met at 8:00am at the Baja gas station on the Beeline Highway, and sent the day trip FR393 folks on ahead first (led by @verruckt1, with @Dimples, @re_guderian, @1Louder, @Dissent, and @Fuge) so that the rest of us could wait for someone who decided he needed some extra sleep. Finally, we had to leave without sleeping beauty, although he caught up just fine as the second group was halfway through FR393. @Saddletramp led the group on Log Corral, joined by @BoxYourEars, @LongDuck, @jclarke450 + @Cruzrmama. @Chrismanjs took the lead for the second FR393 group, kindly testing the trail out with the lowest clearance vehicle of the group Nobody suffered any major carnage in any of the groups, although @brices123 is convinced the minor scratches to his bumper are a good enough excuse reason to buy new.
The Log Corral group beat everyone else to the lake by at least an hour, although 393 group #1 did have to change a popped tire, and even stopped for lunch along the way. The day-trippers hung around on the beach until about 2 or 2:30pm, then headed back out FR393 to get home before dark. The rest of us set up camp and a few decided to try their luck at fishing. One small bass was caught, but the dogs and kids found plenty of dead fish to drag around camp. @brices123 brought out his drone and kept us all entertained with skillful piloting and photo/videographing.
This camping trip featured another successful potlock! @Dimples carried the day with his fancy sausages simmered low n slow in a glorious concoction of onions, maple syrup, and other things I don't remember; they were amazing. He followed that up with an even fancier Dutch oven mac n cheese, containing no fewer than 67 different cheeses. @verruckt1provided a delicious caesar salad, which was the perfect accompaniment to the main dishes. @Saddletramp and @Cruddzmade some authentic fried rice to go along with everything else, which was a big hit with the kids of the group (and everyone else). To tide us over while we waited on dinner, @rctoyota's wife Cleo provided us with her famous 5-layer dip and chips, and @brices123 shared summer sausage, cheese, and crackers. Dessert was another hit with a homemade pumpkin pie made by @Chrismanjs, and Dutch oven peach cobbler made by @LongDuck; @John Morgan even brought the whipped cream! @LongDuck provided the group with a thorough and educational tutorial on the proper way to make a Dutch oven peach cobbler (@Abigail took many notes). Last, but not least, @Mattman made all this gorging possible by making sure we had plenty of plates, bowls, and cutlery.
After dinner was served and we were all stuffed, @John Morgan brought out the single malt and @brices123 made available a large box of Fireball. Cleo convinced one of the campfire groups to play her favorite game called Catch Phrase, and that occupied a (loud) number of us for a long time, while the more sensible folks kept their distance around their more sensible fire.
In the morning, the potluck continued with biscuits and gravy made by @Abigail (made possible by @Dimples and the use of one of his Dutch ovens). After breakfast, we packed up and all headed out on the FR393 route under an overcast sky around 9:45am. We had another tire mishap on the way out, and unfortunately it was the same truck, so @jclarke450 & @Cruzrmama were kind enough to lend their spare. The run back out 393 was a lot faster, and we made it to pavement in just over 2 hours with no spotting needed. We got a little spit on as we were airing up, but luckily didn't catch any of the rain that was making its way through the valley that day. We also didn't get too slowed down with Ironman AZ traffic, as we had thought might happen on Sunday.
Overall, it was an excellent trip and hopefully everyone enjoyed themselves as much as I did.
Thanks to everyone who made it out for this run, even if it was just for the day. Also thanks to everyone who contributed to the potluck, making this one tasty trip!
Videos and pictures by attendees
Group shot